What's your path to success?

Coaching comes in many forms, but the common theme is helping individuals, business owners, and entrepreneurs identify and explore their goals. Katrina guides her clients to create strategies that can move them toward their goals.
Savvy Interaction helps individuals, teams, managers, and entrepreneurs understand themselves, their goals, and their business.
Coaching keeps you on track to reach your destination by providing short cuts and preventing detours.
Although business owners and entrepreneurs are thought to be the typical group to seek coaching, in fact there are many individuals that strive to change their life by utilizing this valuable resource.
“Who exactly seeks out a coach? . . . Winners who want even more out of life”
-Chicago Tribune
Professional coaching maximizes potential and, therefore, unlocks latent sources of productivity.
Improved self-confidence – 86%
Improved relationships – 73%
Improved communication skills – 72%
Improved life/work balance – 67%
Building the self-confidence of employees to face challenges is critical in meeting organizational demands.
International Coaching Federation. (n.d.). Continuing Professional Development. http://coachfederation.org/need/landing.cfm?ItemNumber=747